Secure Ordering and Premium Delivery Service

Our checkout process is protected by state-of-the-art encryption, ensuring your information remains completely secure.

UK Delivery

We partner with Royal Mail, UPS, and DPD - to deliver your items safely and promptly. Place your order before 3:30 PM Monday through Friday, and we'll dispatch it the same day.

Delivery costs range from £5.00 to £7.80 (VAT included), calculated based on your location and items. At checkout, you'll have two premium options:

  • Royal Mail 24
  • DPD Next-Day Delivery (Perfect for time-sensitive orders, available Monday-Friday)

You can track your order every step of the way. We'll email you to keep you informed as your package moves from processing to shipping.

European Union Delivery For our EU customers, we've partnered exclusively with UPS, ensuring reliable international shipping. Currently, we can only serve trade customers with orders over 150GBP.

If you encounter a "no shipping method" notice during checkout, don't worry - contact our dedicated customer service team, and we'll arrange alternative delivery options for you.